金乐婷(Mary Geraldine Guinness)
金乐婷(Mary Geraldine Guinness,1865-1949)
又称霍华德·泰勒夫人(Mrs Howard Taylor)或戴存义师母,英国女传教士,传教士传记作家。
1888年离英赴中,先在河南传教。1894年与戴德生次子戴存义(Frederick Howard Taylor,1862-1946)在上海结婚。
主要作品有《大西北的呼唤》(The Call of China’s Great North-West, or, Kansu and Beyond)、《在远东:金乐婷的中国家书》(In the Far East)、《金纯仁传教河南记》(Guinness of Honan)和《内地会在中国》(The Story of the China Inland Mission)等书。他们夫妇的著作如下:
1. 《属灵的秘诀:戴德生信心之旅》(Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret, 1932)
2. Hudson Taylor and The China Inland Mission, Vol. 1 Hudson Taylor in Early Years: The Growth of a Soul 1911
3. Hudson Taylor and The China Inland Mission, Vol. 2 The Growth of a Work of God 1918